Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy in Today's News. BACKGROUND: [COMMENT: Many prophecy students have thought that the Antichrist may come from the European Union (EU) — the revived Roman Empire. With the Brexit vote and other EU nations threatening to follow Great Britain, the EU may be severely weakened. More recently, prophecy students have considered that the "ten kings" — and, the Antichrist— may come from the ten world regions proposed by the Club of Rome, United Nations, and others. The Antichrist could come from the revived Roman Empire, as many think, because the former Roman Empire encompassed predominantly Christian land in Europe as well as Muslim land in the Middle East and northern Africa.] The Jewish prophet Daniel was the slave of King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon. The king had a troubling dream about a magnificent statue. With God's guidance, Daniel was the only one who could interpret the dream.
This interpretation is found in Daniel, chapter 2. Even though the Book of Daniel was written more than 2,5. Jews from Daniel's time to the present.
Why would there be any reason to believe that the remaining portion of the prophecy will not be fulfilled in our future? The statue's parts represented successive kingdoms. Head of gold: Babylonian Empire (the dominant empire in Daniel's time) 1• Chest and arms of silver: Medo- Persian Empire 1• Belly and thighs of bronze: Grecian Empire (Greece) 1• Legs of iron: Roman Empire (Rome) OR Judeo- Christianity and Islam 1 & 2• Feet of mixed clay and iron: revived Roman Empire (European Union)2. OR Judeo- Christianity and Islam 2• Toes: Antichrist's "kingdom." 3— — — — —NOTE 1. Prophecy fulfilled in the past. Prophecy being fulfilled at the present time. Prophecy to be fulfilled in the future (during the Tribulation).
Prophecy scholars interpret the two legs of iron differently. Interpretation 1: Some feel the legs represent the Roman Empire, with a western division (Rome) and an eastern division (Constantinople, or Istanbul). Interpretation 2: Others feel the legs represent the Judeo- Christian faith in the west and the Islamic faith in the east. John envisioned a similar scenario in Revelation, chapter 1. Nebuchadnezzar's dream continued. The legs of iron continued into feet made of iron and clay.
These feet represent either the European Union (EU) — interpretation 1, above, or global governments, interpretation 2, above. End- time governments will be a mixture of strong nations (iron) and weak nations (clay).
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- END TIMES PROPHETS & PROPHECY. Years ago the LORD told me the time has come for prophets to EMPOWER WHAT THEY PROPHESY. There is an accountability for the prophet.
Iron and clay do not mix well together, just as strong and weak nations in any international confederacy do not mix well together. We are now at this point in history. The toes on the statue's feet, representing the ten divisions of the world's nations, comprise the Antichrist's government. This portion of the dream will not be fulfilled until the Tribulation. The Club of Rome, based in Switzerland and composed of an unelected (self- appointed), elitist group of environmentalists and social engineers, has divided the world into ten regional divisions as the beginning of a plan to limit population growth and energy use (that is, to save us from ourselves and create a future world to their liking). SEE MAP of the Club of Rome's divided world. Could this Club of Rome plan represent the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar's statue?
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Nebuchadnezzar's dream continued. A Stone cut out of a Mountain without hands will crush the toes. Know that a mountain represents a kingdom in prophecy.) The Mountain is God. The Stone is Jesus, and this part of the dream prophesied the immaculate conception of Jesus.
This Stone will crush the only part of the statue in existence at Jesus' appearance (the toes, representing the Antichrist's government), all other kingdoms having faded from existence. Then, the statue will collapse (no more governments of man will ever exist). This crushing of the Antichrist will be at Jesus' Second Coming (at the Battle of Armageddon). The Rock, then, will become a Mountain covering the entire earth (representing Jesus' rule during the Millennial Kingdom). NOTE: This Rock, and other Scriptural references to this Rock, form the basis upon which the Christian Church is founded.
Many erroneously interpret Matthew 1. Jesus establish the Christian Church on the Apostle Simon (nicknamed Cephas [Aramaic] for "stone" or Petros [Greek] for "stone, small rock"], but review of all Scriptures indictae that Jesus was establishing His church on Himself (petra [Greek] for "bedrock, large rocky structure"), not Peter. People of faith can honor the Apostle Peter's contribution to the early church without re- writing Scriptures to accommodate their theological assumptions.
Fulfillment of the final part of Daniel's prophetic interpretation began in 1. Jews were allowed to return to Zion to re- establish Israel after nineteen centuries of dispersion into other countries (the Diaspora) and the same year that dozens of other end- of- the- age prophecies were fulfilled! European countries were war- weary (two world wars had been fought on their continent in three decades), and they were frightened that they were sandwiched between two nuclear powers (USA and United Kingdom to the west, USSR to the east). Three small countries— Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg— formed the Benelux Federation, which now has grown into a multi- national alliance of nations, the European Union (EU). The EU now occupies much of the land formerly occupied by the Roman Empire. Most of the EU has a single monetary system (currency) — the euro ( € ) — which is the first time this has happened since the collapse of the Roman Empire many centuries ago. The EU is building armed forces, but may rely heavily on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the future.
Everything at Worlds Last Chance is available for you to better understand Bible prophecy & to help you prepare for the imminent Second Coming of Yahushua. Vice President Pence, Pope Francis, and Pope Tawadros II. Watch The Wind In The Willows Streaming. COGwriter. US Vice President Michael Pence spoke out against religious persecution in the Middle East.
The EU is actively engaged in international affairs, and seeks to replace American diplomacy and influence. The EU was growing economically stronger, but recent events have cast a shadow on European prosperity. NOTE 1: The EU is presently experiencing significant economic problems, as socialist nations always experience. Debt and poor economies have caused great financial difficulties in at least the "PIIGS" nations (Portual, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain) — (which represent the weak nations, the clay in the statue's feet), and have caused strong nations of Germany and France, (which represent the iron in the statue's feet) to bail out their economies. No one knows the future economic condition of the EU. Will the EU recover? Will the EU collapse, along with the economies of other nations, including the USA?
NOTE 2: Some prophecy students believe the Antichrist will be a Middle Easterner (Muslim? Jew?). The above scenario is not negated by this interpretation. The Roman Empire extended through some present Islamic nations and Israel. SEE maps of the Roman Empire in AD 8, 4.
The CE (CE = "Common Era") designation in these maps is the scholarly (Christ- minimizing, Christ- replacing) substitution for AD (AD = Anno Domini = "Year of the Lord"). In addition to the preceding trappings of a world superpower, two other events are shaping the future EU. Once strongly or nominally Christian nations are becoming apostate, secular, and Islamic. Worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and His Son, Jesus, is irrelevant for many Europeans. Many European churches would be closed today, except that they remain favorite tourist attractions. In Europe, secular humanism has largely replaced Christianity.
Islam is rapidly overtaking Christianity. Many European nations are gripped with anti- Semitism. Jews have long been hated in many parts of Europe (example: the Jewish Holocaust in Germany in the 1. EU countries now are intensely anti- Semitic. EU policies favor "Palestine" and the Arabs over Israel and the Jews. The situation thus described sets the stage for the Tribulation.