Use a Drone Simulator to Practice Before You Buy. No one wants to buy a $5. Practice on a simulator before you buy one, just to be safe (and show off in front of friends). Watch Big Eyes Mediafire here. Practice is an important factor in mastering any skill.

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You want the hours you put in to be as…Read more Read. Drone simulators are perfect for honing your skills or finding out if you even care about the hobby at all. Besides replicating the physics of quadcopter flight, drone simulators offer other features like a variety of locations to practice, multiplayer action, and support for gear you already have at home. Low Barrier to Entry. The best part about learning to fly on a drone simulator is the low barrier to entry. And by low, I mean free.

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The Drone Racing League offers its PC and Mac- compatible simulator gratis, so you can simply download, install, and start flying. Not only does that mean everyone can get into drone racing (provided they have a PC or Mac that meets the minimum requirements), it means you can do it all without spending a penny. No Drone or Controller Required. Pro drone pilots use specific RC controllers worth hundreds of dollars with a variety of settings specific to quadcopter control. If you, like me, don’t have a few hundred bucks to spend on a specialized controller to practice, you can always use the ones you have. If you can connect your gaming controller (I use an Xbox 3. Your monitor shows off the first person view, so you won’t need any expensive flight goggles either.

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Faster Resetting Means Faster Learning. Crashing an actual drone instantly grinds your high- flying party to a halt. Now you’ve got to get up, find the crash site, and make sure your quadcopter is still functional before hitting the gas and going for another run. If you’re crashing in a drone simulator, pressing a single button instantly resets your position and gets you ready to fly again. It’s perfect for nailing down basics like flying between some trees or a box without having to sit in the heat or walk through a park to retrieve your precious equipment.

Compete Against Actual Pilots. The Drone Racing League simulator offers an online multiplayer mode, letting you compete with other pilots. is a digital distribution platform – an online store with a curated selection of games, an optional gaming client giving you freedom of choice, and a vivid.

If you’re interested in the competitive aspect, online play will put you against other pilots, some of whom are actual professionals. There’s no need to travel to an event when you can race in your own. Practice Makes Perfect. After spending a few days practicing, I can safely say that drone racing is an incredibly difficult skill to master. It’s a very smart way to test your skill as a drone pilot, or practice before you bite the bullet and get a drone of your own. My fascination with drone racing was grounded in reality after a few days of playing.

In late May, a yellow Chevrolet Corvette Z06 smashed into a tree in Michigan, leaving an expensive car in utter pieces. At first, it was a bit of a mystery who the. No one wants to buy a $500 hobby drone only to discover they’re a bad pilot, especially considering how one bad twist or crash can leave your investment in pieces.

In short, I suck, though I can thank the simulator for saving me a few hundred bucks on some starter quadcopter. With the 2. 01. 7 Drone Racing League season debuting on ESPN2 this year, and the finals taking place on July 8, I think I’ll watch the pros play instead. Watch Deranged Mediafire.

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