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Stephen Barrett, M. D. Curriculum Vitae. Personal Data. Address: 2.
Fearrington Post; Pittsboro, NC 2. Email: Click here. Telephone: (9. 19) 5. Born: New York City, 1. Married, three children, five grandchildren.
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Wife, Judith Nevyas Barrett, M. D., is a retired family practitioner.
Major Vietnam trade partners as of 2010 include Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the European Union. Splitting Heirs Full Movie Part 1 on this page. Monitoring the Invisible Empire" Large collection of graphics and anti-masonic commentary and articles.
Education and Training. A. B., Columbia University, 6/5. M. D., Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, 6/5.
Completed rotating internship, Highland Park General Hospital (Michigan) 6/5. Completed 3- year psychiatric residency at Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, 6/6. Correspondence course in American Law and Procedure, La.
Salle University Extension Division, Chicago (1 1/2 years completed), 1. Psychiatric Experience (1.
Chief, Psychiatric Service, Scott Air Force Base Hospital, Illinois, 8/6. Psychiatrist, San Francisco Juvenile Court, 7/6. Psychiatrist, San Francisco Child Psychiatry Clinic, 7/6.
Private practice of psychiatry, 8/6. Consultant, San Francisco Department of Welfare, 8/6. Consultant, school nurses, San Francisco Public Health Department, 8/6. Consultant, Parks Job Corps Camp, 1. Psychiatrist, Center For Special Problems, 2/6.
Consultant, San Francisco Adult Probation Department, 8/6. Staff Psychiatrist, Allentown State Hospital, 9/6. Consultant, Pa. Board of Probation and Parole (research project), 1.
Consultant, Lehigh Valley Mental Health Association, 1. Consultant, Lutheran Children's Home, 2/6. Psychiatrist, Allentown Hospital Psychiatric Clinic, 4/6. Consultant, Pastoral Institute of the Lehigh Valley, 1. Consultant, Allentown Counseling Center for Alcoholism, 6/6. Consultant, Lehigh University Centennial School, 1/7. Psychiatrist, Muhlenberg Medical Center Psychiatric Clinic, 6/7.
Medical Director, Haven House (partial hospitalization program), 8/7. Consultant, Allentown Police Department (evaluation of police candidates), 8/8. Medical Director, New.
Vitae Partial Hospitalization Program, 8/9. Memberships and Appointments (Medical)Chairman, Quackery Committee, Lehigh County Medical Society, 1. Chairman, Board of Directors, Quackwatch, Inc. Lehigh Valley Committee Against Health Fraud, Inc.), 6/7. Member, Board of Trustees, Lehigh Valley Opportunity Center (half- way house for paroled offenders), 7/7. Member, Committee on Health Fraud, Pennsylvania Health Council, 7/7.
Member, Committee on Quackery, Pennsylvania Medical Society, 1. Member, Board of Advisors, California Council Against Health Fraud, Inc, 1. Member, Board of Scientific Advisors, American Council on Science and Health, 4/7. Consultant on Unproven Health Practices, Pennsylvania Medical Society Council on Education and Science, 1. Committee for the Scientific Investigation (originally called CSICOP). Member, Advisory Board, Children's Health Care Is A Legal Duty (CHILD), 2/8. National Council Against Health Fraud, Inc.
NCAHF). Member, Board of Directors, 9/8. Vice President, 9/0.
Director of Internet Operations, 9/0. Treasurer, Nutrition Council of Pennsylvania, 1/8.
Member, Steering Committee, Citizens for Children's Dental Health (Allentown), 2/9. Member, NIH Special Emphasis Panel (to evaluate alternative medicine research proposals), 3/9. Member, ad hoc advisory group, NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, 1.
Member, Advisory Board, National Center for Fluoridation Policy and Research, 1. Member, Advisory Board, Association for Science in Autism Treatment, 1. Member, Council for Scientific Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry, 6/0.
Fellow, Council for Scientific Medicine and Mental Health, 5/0. Advisory Board Member, Center for Inquiry Office of Public Policy.
Vice President, Institute for Science in Medicine, 1. University of North Carolina Medicine Clinic Advisory Panel, 2/1. Member, board of directors, Prescription Justice Action Group, 9/1. Memberships and Appointments (Journalistic)Medical Consultant, WFMZ- TV, Allentown, 5/7. Member, Medical Advisory Board, National Health (a consumer newspaper), 9/7. Medical Editor, George F. Stickley Co., Philadelphia, 8/8.
Consumer Health Editor, Nautilus Magazine, 7/8. Consulting Editor, ACSH News and Views, 1. Health Editor, Our Age (newspaper of the National Alliance of Senior Citizens), 5/8. Contributing Editor, Environmental Nutrition Newsletter, 9/8. Editorial Advisor, Shape Magazine, 9/8. Science and Health Editor, Inside Radio, 1.
Editor, Nutrition Forum Newsletter, 1/8. Editorial Consultant, Nutrition Forum, 1/9. Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Rx Being Well, 5/8. Consumer Affairs Editor, Healthline Newsletter, 3/8. Editorial Consultant, Prevention Magazine, 3/8. Editorial Advisory Board, Healthy Weight Journal, 6/8. Member, Society of Professional Journalists, 6/8.
Member, National Association of Science Writers, 1. Member, Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc, 2/8.
Medical Editor, Prometheus Books, 2/9. Editorial Advisory Board, The Diet Busine$$ Bulletin, 5/9. Contributing Editor, The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine, 6/9.
Member, Editorial Board, Science & Pseudoscience Review in Mental Health, 2/0. Editor, Consumer Health Digest, 1. North American Co- Editor, Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 8/1.
Memberships and Appointments (Internet- Related)Member, Internet Healthcare Coalition, 1. Member, Editorial Board, Medical Web Search, 6/9.
Member, Editorial Board, Med. Scape/Med. Gen. Med, 5/9. Member, Editorial Board, MD net guide, 8/9. Participant member, Fraud Defense Network, 1. Member, Editorial Board, Family Medicine net guide, 2/0. Member CBS Health. Watch Physicians Network, 3/0.
Weekly columnist ("Alternative Medicine: A Skeptical Look"), Canoe 4/0. Consumer Empowerment Advisor, Planet.
Feedback, 4/0. 0- 3/0. Advisory Board, Pyramid Scheme Alert, 1. Member, The Network for Public Health Law, 5/3. Memberships and Appointments (Academic)Instructor in Health Education, The Pennsylvania State University, 5/8.
Instructor, Duke University Osher Lifelong Learning Institute program, 9/0. Journal Peer Review (Panelist, Editorial Consultant, or Occasional Manuscript Reviewer)Honors and Awards (Academic, Professional, and Public Service)Pulitzer Scholar, Columbia University, 1. Freshman Chemistry Prize, Columbia College, 1. Mediquiz Contest National Award (Resident Physician magazine), 1. Lehigh Valley Dental Society's Dr.
Francis J. Trembley Outstanding Citizen Award for "decisive contributions dedicated to the betterment of oral medicine," 1. FDA Commissioner's Special Citation for "outstanding and consistent contributions against the proliferation of nutrition quackery to the American consumer," 1. Watch A Fighting Man Online Facebook.