Tomorrow You Get To Watch “The Beast Rising Out Of The Earth With Two Horns Like A Lamb And It Spoke Like A Dragon”By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special)Sunday, tomorrow, while you remember the resurrection of our Lord, there in Pergamum, the seat of Satan in Asia Minor, satan will attempt to resurrect his wounded beast. It is going to be the day for the entire sleepy world to behold the near century- old Turkish secular republic, that was created in the aftermath of wounded Ottoman Empire breathes it’s last and revive its previous form “rising out of the earth and speaking like a dragon”. Erdogan of Turkey has been clamouring for years for this day when he finally becomes the Sultan and Caliph and he chose it on April 1. Resurrection Day, as a symbol of “resurrection” for on it, we Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ and for Muslims its the Resurrection of an Empire that will soon come after the Christian saints, the followers of Jesus Christ. Erdogan’s dragon rhetoric called the EU an ‘alliance of crusaders’ because some EU leaders went to visit the Pope at the Vatican last month stating that its time for a ‘clash between the crescent and the cross’ all because a court ruled that two women could be fired for failing to remove their hijabs. But few understand what is behind this story or why this fits prophecy.
By Erdogan calling for war on behalf of two Muslim women, he was mimicking Caliph Al- Mu’tasim who answered the call of a Muslim woman captured by the Christian Romans. Al- Muʿtaṣim bi’llāh was the eighth Abbasid caliph (8.
A younger son of the boy loving pedophile Harun al- Rashid, he rose to prominence through his formation of a private army composed predominantly of Christian slave- soldiers (ghilmān) kidnapped and brainwashed not to honor the God of their Christian fathers. Erdogan warned his own people that if they vote ‘no’ against him on Sunday they put at risk their very afterlife and that by saying “no” they will lose their salvation. His own cleric wrote yesterday that voting ‘yes’ is their Islamic duty. Reuters reported a narrow majority of Turks will vote “Yes” in Sunday’s referendum on changing the constitution to grant President Tayyip Erdogan sweeping new powers. Two opinion polls showed on Thursday, the first from Konda reveal that the number of “yes” voters stood at 5. Gezici put support for the constitutional change at 5. UPDATE AS OF April 1.
It looks so far that Erdogan is winning. If Edogan wins, what’s at stake is more than just rewriting the Constitution, but it will give Erdogan sweeping new powers – including the ability to completely dissolve the parliament if his AKP party loses their majority for some reason. This is no joke. Erdogan will use these powers to establish his new Ottoman Empire in 2. Caliph, exactly a century after the deadly bruise of the former Ottoman Empire. Erdogan today mentioned 1. Already, Erdogan’s own AKP party have been calling him their Caliph and even deifying the man for years. Islam gained Constantinople in 1. Muhammad the Conqueror and according to Islam, lost it to western- style secularism when the Ottoman’s were wounded in 1.
Tomorrow You Get To Watch “The Beast Rising Out Of The Earth With Two Horns Like A Lamb And It Spoke Like A Dragon”.
Caliphate. The secularization of Turkey meant that Constantinople needed to be re- conquered. This has been the grand- dilemma for all Muslims.
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HOW DOES THIS FIT PROPHECY? We will explain prophecy in very simple terms that all can understand to see why this is so significant. Watch Ice People Download. Most who study prophecy do not pay close attention to detail or the complexity of unraveling prophecies. In the Bible, the last beast is a lamb with “two horns”. This two- horned beast “looking like a lamb and speaking like a dragon” comes right after a beast with “seven” and even “four” heads: “And I saw a beast [first beast] coming up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads names of blasphemy.” (Revelation 1.
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First comes a seven headed beast. This has already happened (more on that later) and then the final beast: “And I saw another beast [second beast] coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns, like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon.” (Revelation 1. Daniel depicts a beast with “four heads”. John depicts a beast with “seven heads”. So who are these?
These are empires that consecutively come and then in the end these also come together. John in the Apocalypse combines the “Leopard” and “the Bear” together. Okay, let me explain it simpler so that even a dummy can understand. This first beast that received a deadly wound and is currently arising from the earth (the pit) will come again as the second beast. To be able to interpret this seven headed beast, first we must ask a Jesus- style question: where in history that any historian can find something that qualifies to compose seven kingdoms, yet they are four kingdoms, and they are sequentially led by ten kings that will ultimately come again, a second time, as the eleventh horn (king) in the ends of days comprising of a lamb with two composites led by two horns one of which being the Antichrist?
This is the complex puzzle. So how can one solve this puzzle? Answer: there are no empires that match this besides Islam’s dynasties. They are the only ones that fit. Perfectly. Look it up. Only the Islamic dynasties had Four Main Caliphates (Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman) yet there were also Seven caliphates (Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid, Ayyubid, Almohad and Ottoman) and ten crowns which represent the seven caliphates that also arise in the end as two horns (Turkey and Iran).
The seven headed beast which came “out of the sea” that is, the mediterranean sea, was the first threat to God’s people, the Church. This has come and gone and the second beast (lamb with two horns) will come out of burial “out of the earth”. This is what is coming soon. Keep in mind, the beast is what persecuted the Church throughout history. With Islam, everything fits like a glove. Even the crowns. Anyone can check what we write from history: The first head that persecuted the church is the Rashidun dynasty, which sparked the conquest of Christian Syria in 6.
Armenia. It had two, (1st crown) Abu Bakr Al- Siddiq and (2nd crown) Hasan ibn Ali’ , Grandson of Muhammad, Son of ‘Ali ibn Abi- Talib’ which branched into the Shiites. This divide sprouted the two horns (Shiite, Sunni) and is why it is a “divided kingdom”. Then the Umayyad Caliphate (second head, 6.
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