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Things White Males Should Be Proud Of – Return Of Kings. Watch Psycho III Youtube. Watch Hirokin: The Last Samurai Hirokin Online Flashx. Attention heterosexual white males!
BibMe Free Bibliography & Citation Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) April 2011 Archives. Discussion Forum for Extreme Bondage Fantasy Video. DVDs or Web. One month of many years of archives.
Are you tired of being endlessly browbeaten and derided by universities, human resources, CNN, MSNBC, Buzzfeed, Everyday Feminism, MIC, Alternet, and Huffington Shitpost among countless other media establishments? Are you tired of being repeatedly told you are “the oppressor” and the descendant of imperialists, rapists, thieves, racists, conquerors, and genocidal maniacs by our cultural Marxist overlords?(1: 3. Way to paint all white people with a broad brush . MIC! Do you get the funny feeling that all these nefarious forces out there are designed to make you think that the world would be a lot better off without you? That you should just make your way to the nearest cliff and take a stumble over? Well all that left wing buffalo manure is coming to a stop today. Tread carefully liberal snowflakes, because here are six damn good reasons why white males should feel good about themselves, their history, and their cultures.
Creating And Maintaining The World’s Most Prosperous And Desirable Countries (For Everyone Apparently!)The 1. Germanic and Celtic Europeans, or city states heavily influenced by the British Empire (Singapore & Hong Kong)White males (particularly white males of Germanic European extraction) do an absolutely fantastic job at creating and maintaining the world’s cleanest, safest, high- income, low- corruption, politically stable, and technologically innovative societies on the planet.
And (surprise surprise!), a huge percentage of the planets population would jump at the first opportunity to come and live in one of these “white supremacies.”There are certainly a few major non- white first world exceptions out there (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.) but these countries are primarily the way they are through adopting Western technologies and systems of government and laws. Immigration to these countries is also extremely limited, while all the white majority countries are major migration destinations for non- white people around the world seeking a better life.“White Supremacy”? It’s more like white competency than anything else. And competency is a virtue that should cherished and praised.
Not derided. 2. Science, Medicine, And Technology. Aaron Clarey is exaggerating with humorous intent in the preceding video, but he is certainly far from incorrect. White males now make up less than 5% of the population of the planet, but have been, and continue to be, at the forefront of the vast majority of the world’s scientific, medical, and technological advancements for 5. Japan, Korea, and China could very well still be lingering in a 1. West starting in the 1. Can’t live without your smartphone? It might not be here if it wasn’t for Scotland (population less than 6 million), as Scotsmen invented both the telephone and television among countless other revolutionary discoveries from just this one small country alone.
Sure, some white man innovations have been created for destruction, but for every V- 2 rocket there is a Saturn V, for every attack helicopter there is a rescue helicopter, and for every nuclear bomb there is an asteroid in space which could be obliterated before it has a chance to destroy Earth. The innovations of white men have brought far more health and happiness to people around the world than their negatives, so cultural Marxists and all the “white privilege” brow- beaters are more than welcome to move to a Madagascar mud hut if they can’t stand living around first world white males and their penicillin and techno toys. NOT Being The World’s Most Violent Race. European oppressors at all!
Cultural Marxists, feminists, and other poorly informed left- wing freaks love to keep espousing that white males have historically been the most “violent” or the most “oppressive” race of men on the planet. However, this is entirely untrue.
It is in fact Asians who have been responsible for the lion’s share of the highest death toll conflicts in human history, and the Japanese, Mongols, and Chinese are well represented in the four most deadly. But when is the leftist media and education system ever going to teach you about the Taiping Rebellion, the conquests of Tamerlane, or the Mongol hordes and the Japanese Empire’s rampant “rape culture“? NEVER. It doesn’t fit their white browbeating agenda. They’ll just keep “wagging the Nazi” forever and ever, and continue trying to espouse the endless virtues of the pre- Columbian Meso- Americans (who loved child buggery and human sacrifice) at the expense of their European conquerors. NOT Being The World’s Most Racist People.
The fake news media continues to push garbage claims that whites are uniquely racist above all others. On an even more ridiculous note, they may even claim that non- whites can’t be racist at all, because the world is a “white supremacy”.
This is not true in the slightest (and cue the eye rolling). White majority countries all across the world are the most tolerant and the most accepting of living amongst people with different cultures and backgrounds, while countries in the Middle East and Southeast Asia are deemed the least accepting. Furthermore, only white majority countries take in huge numbers of immigrants and refugees, while the wealthy Northeast Asian countries (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan) scoff at such humanitarianism. Attention Liberals. No other countries on Earth are more accepting, tolerant, altruistic, or humanitarian than countries which are predominately run by white males. Ending Slavery Worldwide.
White Christian nations worked hard to end the enslavement of non- Muslims (including countless black Africans) in the 2. Islamic world. Only white people have been slave owners, and only black Africans were their slaves right? WRONG. Not only have left wingers and the mainstream media purposefully chosen to avoid any kind of discussion of the Arab slave trade (Muslims who enslaved millions of both whites and blacks well into the 2. Britain abolished slavery throughout the British Empire with the Slavery Abolition Act 1. French colonies abolished it in 1. U. S. abolished slavery in 1. Amendment to the U.
S. Constitution. Brazil was the last European colony to do so in 1. Compare that to the far East, where chattel slavery was a legal part of Chinese culture until 1. Additionally, slavery continued in much of the Islamic world well into the 2. It was gradually outlawed and suppressed in Muslim lands largely due to pressure exerted from western nations like Britain and France. Among the last states to abolish slavery were Saudi Arabia and Yemen, which both abolished slavery in 1. Britain, in addition to Oman in 1.
Unfortunately, slavery still continues under the radar in some Muslim countries like Mauritania. Where is ‘Black Lives Matter’ on that one?
Or is it only ok when black Muslims are enslaving other black Muslims? Having A Great Stiff Upper Lip.
Finally, despite all the humiliation, browbeating, and derision that white males experience in the 2. The expression describes someone who displays great fortitude in the face of adversity, and exercises restraint in letting their negative emotions get the best of them. And that is exactly what red pilled and non- cuckolded white men do. Watch It`S A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World Hindi Full Movie. Despite knowing that popular culture, hiring practices, and so many different media outlets and national institutions are 1. We do not shoot five black police officers if one of them kills “one of ours“.
Search or upload videos. Popular on YouTube: Music, Sports, Gaming, Movies, TV Shows, News, Spotlight. Browse Channels. Vevo est un service proposant à ses utilisateurs le visionnage gratuit et légal de vidéo-clips en haute définition depuis le 8 décembre 2009. Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) May 2009 Archives. Discussion Forum for Extreme Bondage Fantasy Video. DVDs or Web. One month of eight years worth of.