When Spyder actress Rakul Preet slapped a stalker. Rakul Preet Singh. PR Handout. Rakul Preet Singh has revealed that she recently slapped a stalker. The actress was upset with the man, who was believed to be keeping a close eye on her movements eventually leading her to lose her temper. Gulte reports that the actress, who is getting ready for the release of her upcoming Telugu flick Jaya Janaki Nayaka, claimed in an interview that she has slapped people twice before; once during her college days and another when she was at Forum Mall recently to watch a movie."I was followed and at an instant when I looked back he turned so close to me that I could not control my anger. He even revealed that he has been following for a long time after which I gave him a tight slap.
I generally don't turn angry but once if I do, it is hard to control it," the website quoted Rakul Preet as saying. In the same interview, Rakul Preet reportedly clarified that she has not increased her remuneration.
Earlier, the actress had said that she slapped a pervert in Nanital for misbehaving with her and her college friends. The online reports claim that the actress had caught him by the collar before he managed to flee. She is keenly awaiting the release of Jaya Janaki Nayaka, which stars Bellamkonda Srinivas. The Boyapati Srinu- directorial will hit the screens on August 1. In the meantime, she has wrapped up Mahesh Babu's much- awaited Spyder, which will release in September. Karthi's Tamil movie Theeran Athikaram Ondru and Neeraj Pandey's Bollywood flick Aiyaary are her next projects.
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Rakul Preet Singh, who is gearing up for the release of Jaya Janaki Nayaka, has reportedly slapped a man who was stalking her.